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All the elements are eloquenced by eternity...

Phoughts to Tonder

E-LIMINATION, II-LIMATION!! E-LIMINATION, EEEEIIYY-LIMINATION!!!!!!I have been so blind all along! Instead of feasting and salivating over Bay Area Thrash scene, I should have listened to balls-to-the-walls Joisey Thrash (read: OVERKILL!) They're pretty much the most soild, consistent, and fairly prolific Metal band, and after listening to some not-so-heavy music as of late, this is a nice, swift Heavy Metal™ kick in the nads. Slayer sucks, Overkill p0wns j00!!!!

A Life Milestone

Who's your daddy, bitch?

I am one of the first people in the world who has taken a piss on SM Mall of Asia on May 20, 2006 , a day before its grand opening, at around 2 p.m. Respect me!

Day Late

I just remembered this morning that X-Men: The Last Stand is premiering today, and to my dismay, I cannot see it today because I'm too lazy to do so. I'll just settle for tomorrow.

Past Revisited

After months of not listening to this album, for reason unknown, I have decided to give it a spin. It turns out that
The Focusing Blur by Vintersorg is an underrated gem, a diamond in the rough, a hidden gold in an unexcavated, unadulterated mine, a...oh, what the hell...A damn fine piece of Cosmic Black Metal (wha..?)

"A microscopical macrocosm,
Of distant mountains and inner plasm,
All the elements are eloquenced by infinity
A microscopical macrocosm,
I and Me float through its chasms,
Filtering the universe through a living internity"

- A Microscopical Macrocosm

Something to really think about

Since 97.69% of my entries are pretty useless ramblings and a pathetic excuse for non-fiction writing, here's something to gnaw your teeth with.


Now think about that, foo'!


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