I have seen VH1's Behind the Music of Pantera through YouTube, and although the whole thing was sufficent to satiate the average person's curiosity for the band, it doesn't really say anything new from what has already been said ad nauseum. As always, their glam years prior to their "major label debut" Cowboys From Hell were omitted, whether intentionally or not, which makes this documentary anything but a definitive statement of the band's legacy.
However, the segment where Terry Abbott shed tears over the murder of his son/Pantera axeman Darrell "Dimebag Darrell" Abbott during his performance on December 4, 2004 with his current band Damageplan, along with his brother/Pantera drummer Vinnie, was nothing less than touching. "Inside that rock n' roll exterior, was a boy." Bummer.
- Let me take a moment to bask into the beauty of song:
Cody ChestnuTT
"Serve This Royalty"
off the album The Headphone Masterpiece (2002)
...unfortunately, I cannot find the lyrics. Lame.
Secret heart
What are you so afraid of?
Could it be three simple words
Or the fear of being overheard?
What's wrong?
Let her in on your secret, heart
Besides the fact that I love unrequited and/or confessional love songs made for perennial losers, I also love Nick Cave. I really do. But not so much with The Proposition, where he wrote the script for the movie. The soundtrack, however, is killer.
On a more personal note, I am hooked on playing solitaire on the PC.
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