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Showing posts from September, 2006

Creative Writing

Teach Me More It's really surprising how one experience from the past can determine your future. See, not only am I a member of the XXXXX community, but I am also currently a kindergarten teacher in Ohio. During those times, I developed a passion for education, and having students understand and appreciate the things that you're teaching them is one of the most gratifying experiences one can ever imagine. But of course, this realization was all triggered by a particular event. I was neither bright nor diligent when I was a college student, as I have been known to skipping classes and failing exams because of my laziness. I would consider myself as one of the hotter personalities on campus, where guys salivate over me because of my luscious body. I'm the kind of person who has sex on her mind, in which I would hang out with guys and engage in a hot, sexual orgy with them instead of studying for my midterms. One time, like any other time in the lecture room, while one o...

The Road to Red Horse Beer Muziklaban 2006 Grand Finals

This was the first picture taken from the moment we arrived at Starmall, Las PiƱas for the Red Horse Muziklaban 2006 Semifinals . The band just came off a grueling 2-hour trip from Pasig while listening to Slayer's Reign in Blood , with their hit single "Angel Of Mine" ("Angel of mine/Monarch to the kingdom of the dead!") and Sepultura's Arise ad nauseum. Like the previous round of Muziklaban, bands were asked to arrive early for briefing, at around 1:30 P.M., even though the competition itself would begin at roughly 8 P.M. The band had a lot of time to kill, where they spend most of it goofing around, and to visit the nearby Internet shop flooding their YM and Friendster accounts with messages asking people to vote for them via text message *coughcoughlameandpatheticcough* As of this point, at around 6 P.M., half of the band were tipsy after drinking a glass of Red Horse Beer with their empty stomachs. But just before their share of beer, all of the bands...