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Showing posts from 2007

Let's Do A Story!

Word. Title: everythingsfineeverythingsfineeverhtusjbfkdjfsfkhj Characters: Lava, The World, Things, Sadness Story: Lava came from the outskirts of the Bennysukks universe and has been considered as a failure by his fellow aliens in all the things he does. One light year, he decided to run away from the shits that have been flung to him since his rude awakening, and start life anew. While traveling the galaxy with his vessel, he came across the World, a place filled with imaginations and possibilities that have yet to be unlocked. Amidst his observation of the World from a distance, Lava thinks of the place as suitable to start his life anew, while developing an intense fascination with blow-torched genitals, long-winded roads, and the concept of being a loser. Lava then transformed into a 20-something male to hide his heinous appearance (by human standards)and to appear normal. Throughout the years as an inhabitant of the World, Lava begins to live life under his terms. He has had ...

Problems And Bottles Of Beer

Last night, I invited my friend to join me in a pity session of the ages. Rarely do I have somebody by my side to share my personal issues matters because I usually deal it by myself. I don't want other people to be burgeoned with my life inadequacies and insecurities, since I assume that they have their problems of their own. I could have dwelled with it alone like I used to, but I told to myself, "Fuck that shit." In my valiant attempt to masquerade as a normal person, my friend and I ended up in this familiar joint we usually spend with our other friends during happier days. The benevolent '80s music blaring from the speakers of the dim-lighted bar proves to be a perfect setting for a personable conversation, happy or sad. What I was about to begin, however, is far from happy. Of all people, he is the perfect guy to talk to regarding my situation for he has experienced the same thing a couple of years ago. He also asked to accompany him and his misery the afternoon...

Year-End Status Report

2007 has come and gone, I don't really know where to begin. To be honest, it's not a roller-coaster ride, as everybody would say about their own. Although my year is filled with ups and downs, and the mandatory deep-down-under-that-I-don't-wanna-live-anymore feeling during July and August, I would say the year majority of the year went pretty well, minus the thrills and loops. Things were unfolding in their boring way (a way which I thoroughly like) outside from the occasional slip-ups that I commit once in a while. However, my year took a tremendous fall from grace just this past week, for reasons that will never be disclosed. Imagine yourself jumping off the top of Mount Canyon, but in this case, the pull of gravity seems to last forever, deceiving me to hold a sense of false hope that I would fly and soar back to the top, until reality smashes my body down the ground. Stupid. The law of gravity states that what comes up MUST DEFINITELY come down, and yet I hoped otherwis...

Very Thoughtful

As I was going through the notions of cubicle life here at my current job, i.e. seesawing between watching Heroes and doing part-time work, my fellow officemate The Blind Rage (writer of award-winning blog The Mundane Side of the Road , recipient of ZeXXXy Beast Award, and co-writer of How To Make Your Kuyukot Throb ) hands me one of these ditties: Now, I thought to myself, "What the hell? Somebody actually reads my blog???" Let's face it, I don't update my blog as frequently as before when I was unemployed (ah, those were the days), and then I get this. Maybe it's because of me not sharing my thoughts anymore, which makes me...thoughtful? Yes, that's probably it. You're welcome too, by the way.

Summer Ist Krieg

Pardon me for this long overdue entry. I don't really like talking about the events that its putrid form in my life, but since I have a lot of time to kill, might as well write something substantial. This past summer has been one of the best experiences in my life so far. It all started when I was moved to the night shift, from 9 P.M. to 6 A.M., because my work schedule entailed me to do so. Not that I hated that fact, but, thinking about the gigs that our band could have performed on during the weekdays, it was disheartening to say the least. Plus, I was the only one moved from our original team at work (I'll refer to them as the Webdate team), so I didn't have anybody to talk to during that time. However, as nights had come and gone, I just realized that the night shift is loads better than the regular shift! Imagine this scenario: no traffic going to office AND back home, peaceful environment, pacified (or lullabied) co-workers, and best of all, exclusive only to my lin...


Unfortunately, someone ( Tina ) "tagged" me into one of these you-better-not-break-the-"tag"-chain-or-else-I'm-gonna-scrap-your-balls-with-a-barber's-razor schlock. I thought these "tag" blog entries have run out its course late last year, but for the 13420489th time, I have been proven wrong. So, without further ado, let's get on with this shit. The rule "Each player of this game starts with 6 weird things about you. People who get tagged need to write a list of their own 6 weird things as well as state the rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave a comment that says you are tagged in their comments and tell them to read your blog." *Sigh* Here it goes: I have a pattern when I walk on tiled floors. I step inside the floor tiles, and I don't step on the lines that separate each tile from another (forgot what that shit is called). I also step only on the tiles wi...

Dugyot Sa Cebu

Video Game Memory Lane

A few hours ago, I have been updating myself with the video game world. Yes, I am a product of the video game console generation, starting from Atari 2600, to the Sony Playstation. I consider Super Mario World from the Super Nintendo and SaGa Frontier from the Playstation as two of the best games I have ever played and beaten. However, after graduating from high school, I severed ties with my fascination towards the gaming world after realizing how Tekken Tag Tournament alone took about a thousand pesos off my allowance money, while toiling hours on role playing games such as the Final Fantasy series nearly killed the development of my social life. However, out of curiosity and watching too many Angry Video Game Nerd videos from Screw Attack , I was compelled to check out the featured videos of Final Fantasy and Metroid from . My curiosity turned out to be a look back in the good ‘ole days. Watching the Final Fantasy Retrospective was awe-inspiring. The ...


The last day of July has finally come and passed, and yet I still feel apathetic in writing something to commemorate my 12-month employment with my current job, the purchase of an Ibanez guitar (JEM-JR) that was long overdue, and my 23 rd birthday. In fact I’m actually forcing myself to write something, anything, to add something in my personal ingenuity. Well, as of late, I've been running low with it. However, after listening to Slowdive with a couple of friends while drinking brandy during my mother’s birthday a while ago, it reminded me how I was once looking for a full-time job after an unsuccessful stint as a contributor for the Manila Times while drifting with that particular band's music. I remembered how I was handing my resumes to different companies, some of which were not even looking for applicants at that time, while expressing success through long sleeves and well-trimmed slacks. In fact, I miss the feeling of applying to different companies and enjoying t...

The Death Of Music

Phoughts To Tonder I normally wouldn’t put certain things into writing, but for the sake of “finding my voice” as a pussy-ass writer, and for the fact that I have nothing to do this 1 o’clock in the morning, here it goes. Two weeks ago, our PC had to be reformatted because the ever-so-crappy Windows would crash every time the log-in screen was loading. The culprit, as I later found out, happened to be a spyware under the name svchost.exe. Or was it scvhost.exe? Anyway, I had to start from scratch and retool the PC from the ground up. Spyware sucks, I say. All of my documents which spanned from high school to my current job have been erased from the hard disk. Yes, it does blow, especially if the synthesis paper that was considering among the best in the batch was also deleted *coughcoughBUUUUUUULSHIT!cough* Anyway, that’s not the reason why I’m writing this “blog.” That day also had me bidding farewell to my six-year old .mp3 collection which spanned over 2,000 songs. I ...

Things That I've Learned in Bohol

- I never really realized how 'special' ubes are made in Bohol until this trip. According to locals, only women are allowed to make ube in Bohol. Busty, naked women under the full moon, that is! The breasts of the woman would "kiss" the ube before it is reaped, or something. After the ube is ripe for the taking, a crack resembling a woman's genital would appear at the surface of the ube. Now, imagine Sunshine Cruz making them ubes. Tasty. - Locals have also a tale on how the Chocolate Hills were formed. There are actually three versions of the story, and one of the stories had something to do with feces. However, the tour guide only narrated the romantic story, so that disappointed me a bit. Once upon a time, there was a giant who had a fascination to a townsgirl in Carmen. Unfortunately for the giant, he could only admire the girl at a distance because she already has a boyfriend. And so, the giant gave up on pursuing the girl of his dreams. Well, almost. One day...

A Tribute To Webdate

As of writing, it's already 2:27 AM, with our stomachs filled from eating "lunch" at the pantry room (chicken strips...mmm...) I'm also currently annoyed by one of my officemates right now, rubbing my crown with her fists, messing up my hair (not like it's fixed or something, but you get my drift.) On my left, two cubicles apart, my other officemate is listening to A Perfect Circle, Cradle of Filth, and Slipknot on his headset, but with volume that screams indifference. to the world arou nd. Two cubicles away to his left, is another officemate of mine. Well, she's not actually there right now (as of most of the time,) because she's hanging with her friends across the room. All in all, another regular day here at Webdate. This is what I'm going to write if I were to add another decrepit entry on my lameass blog two months ago. A lot of changed since then. The client pulled out, leaving all of us "floating" in the office for quite a while. Some...
Over the past few months, you readers (however few you might be, or I may be just talking to no one at all) have noticed that I haven't been as prolific in writing blogs as I was back in April to June. Well, I can easily explain myself for that. In fact, this explanation of mine has been long overdue. During those days, I haven't been employed yet, so there was really nothing to do but fill my empty time writing shit on this blog. Yes, you heard me. Shit. Those Phoughts To Tonder entries I did? Shit. Anyway, that all changed after I became a "writer" for a certain company. However, what I didn't know was that being a "writer" for that company meant that...shit, I shouldn't even be saying thist. Point is, eventually, my "writing profession," as one may aptly see it, took its toll on my blog writing because I am basically doing the same thing in INADEQUACY and my current work. You know, bitching, rambling about how smelly my ass was, and wri...

...lest we forget the year that has come and passed...

By the time I am writing this, I have finished my "work"earlier than usual, as I'm nonchalantly chatting around with the people from my YM list, and searching some music videos from the 90's at Youtube. Just like you, everybody else will have downplayed the fact that it's already 2007, since people would probably expect the same shit to happen to them ("Different day, same old shit," as people would say.) However, looking back at the year that was, I would honestly have to say that it's one for the books. Consider: I graduated from college last March, just before I was about to give up on studying. My writing started to get better, thanks to my exposure in writing feature articles for Manila Times, and now, my current job at Descant Gott participated in last year's Red Horse Beer Muziklaban. Although the band didn't win, it proved to me that all the time and hard work I invested on this band wasn't laid to waste. Add to th...