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Showing posts from May, 2009

Tabula Rasa

Out with the old and in with the new. Let me explain. I was asked by my girlfriend if I was still "damned in blue," as the title of my blog indicated. For years, my entries on Damned consisted of mainly self-deprecating blow-by-blow accounts of what's up, or in this case, down with me, if not for the inconvenient ramblings I post once in a while. I never shied away from the fact that I have led a blog life that thrived on my insecurities and emotional indulgence written in an overly dramatic manner, to which I have a perversely immense pleasure to author. But for all my moronic attempts at second-rate nonfiction, the blog title clearly suggest one thing: that I'm a fucking sad sap. Which is not true. I'm fun at places, tap to my destructive nature most of the way in an inward manner, and dumb enough to shoot vodka through my nose using a straw and smoke cigarettes dabbed with toothpaste to get that "menthol" feeling. Enter The Magical Tumbong, the place ...

On Familiar Faces

First off, let me do a senseless rave about my new blog skin. It looks friggin' awesome! The blue-lit buildings make for an appropriate backdrop sympathizing with my mediocre writing. I know this is one of those things that doesn't affect lives or something, but as damnation beckons, this is the shit, folks! Last Friday featured the complete TPG (Trailer Park Guys. Don't ask.) on their very first group outing since the summer of 2006 in Zambales. The difference is that we went to a pool resort in Antipolo, which happens to be a far cry from the beaches everybody is frequenting to this time of the year. On the upside, it really didn't matter because we sang, smoked, and swam like there's no tomorrow. I also learned how to do a back flip pool dive, which is the highlight of the whole 12 hours we're on the resort. It's all about conquering your fear and disconnecting yourself from your physical state. It's also strange to think that, back in 2006, almost ev...


I'm always dropping emotional turds whenever I start writing from this pathetic page of mine, but screw it. Everybody knows I'm square, so let's leave it at all, shall we? Since taking that damned article writing job I've learned to hate before but have now taken comfort in doing for the unholy purpose of additional income (or lack thereof, but more on that later), I have lost the urgency to write something substantial in my blog. No surprise there. My added skill of producing a 450-word article in 40 minutes on a constant basis (although not anymore, but read on) has greatly compromise by ability to really write. You know, something that has nothing to do with search engine optimization, keyword density, niche sites, and countless other internet marketing jargon that has zero value in actual life. Aside from that, morale in my professional life is currently at its roller coaster stage. Although I experience this feeling of elation with regard to the nature of work in m...