The ISO is such a bitch. The organization that is supposed to standardize work process and make production as orderly as possible actually does the opposite: confuse the process and alienate workers. At least this worker. Organized person, I am not.
Our team will create a presentation of the positive feedback and activities each project has received an performed throughout the past few months. Why our team, I don't know. Maybe it's punishment for me being absent this one meeting about, you guessed it, ISO.
I'm desperately trying to fit in part-time work in between this fast-paced schedule of mine at the moment. So far, it's going well, unless I find myself coughing my way back to bed with a crazy fever. Overworking is never good to yourself, kids.
Finished writing the third letter while riding an FX. Not the most romantic or idyllic of places to write a heartfelt note, but hey, it's the content that counts. And after her reading all the letters, it was somehow worth it in the end. Things are never easy. You just gotta make best of things thrown your way.
Talked to some of my night shift co-worker. I would be lying if I say I didn't envy their work situation. Being in the company of complete loons while burning the midnight oil and setting the whole world on fire is exactly my cup of tea.
I miss drinking alcohol.
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