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The plan has been set to motion. Finalized everything with just a click of a mouse button and the plan will take effect a week and a half from now. Despite it all, I'm sure gonna miss a lot of things.

In line with this, I treated the guys to a lunch out. Originally, the idea was for everyone to buy their own food. But since they goaded me like hell to treat them, and with all things considered, I spent more than enough to make the talking heads happy. Painful on the pocket, but what the hell.

Note to self: I will never, ever ride the MRT on a Wednesday night. Holy shit.

After that treacherous travel on my way to girlfriend's house, I realized that I forgot to bring the letter that I was supposed to give her last night. All I brought was the second letter in response to the first one. But since I forgot it, there's no point in having her read the second. Because of that, I am in line for a third letter.


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