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Showing posts from August, 2009


The day signals the change of times as I started devoting myself to the plan, three full hours of it. The conditions were ideal: flexible hours as long as I meet a bi-monthly quota while at the comforts of our home. Busying myself on the couch with my notebook (since that was the nearest place where I can connect the notebook to the cable internet), I found out that most of the employees I was with were from a different region and speaking in their local dialect but were kind enough to speak in English most of the time when we chatted through Skype. To give you a background, I am and will never be sociable. I have had difficulty making friends with anyone because I just don't want to. Because of this, I've had problems with school and my previous jobs. Factor all these things together and put me in a situation where I have to adjust to the nature of work and talk with my co-workers to coordinate with our project via e-mail or Skype, there will be some issues coming my way. Alas...


I tried searching a local heavy metal forum site for ticket reservations of an Arch Enemy performance in A-Venue next month, when I decided to just search threads about my band instead. Back during my first few years with the group when I made a habit of constantly searching for comments on blog and forum posts on the web about our performances, I stopped all of a sudden because I realized that as a unit, we really do suck, which prompted less-than-stellar reviews from our peers. The negativity is well-grounded and I respect most of the feedbacks, but at the same time, it bore some unintelligent and inane ones that piss all over the constructive criticism. Sure, I'm used to unkind and scathing remarks, but it's difficult to seriously take comments that simply don't make fucking sense. Blame hipsters and bandwagon jumpers who lambast bands and musicians for not being metal enough. Whatever, men. Just enjoy the music for what it is. Well, two years past, and after all the pra...


Went to the university in hopes of borrowing books I need for my report this coming week. However, my drive was met with utter disappointment that the goddamn traffic prevented me from getting to the library on time. Disappointment then turned into anger after finding out that the traffic was because of the college entrance exam that crammed in all the kiddies aspiring to become a iskolar ng bayan . Well, screw them. The traffic not only made me go back home empty-handed, but also forced me to go a different and longer route. Thanks, kid! Saw I Love You, Man for the second time. The movie that introduced me the nickname Joban and that strange way of slapping the bass is the best of 2009, in my opinion, until I see Up. Was supposed to see The Proposal with girlfriend later that night, but because of some freak accident, it never happened. Instead, we played The Sims and drank some grub at a nearby bar. Drove by to her former house. Currently being renovated without their knowledge. Mus...