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Change is the Word

Just wanted to spend my precious waning moments of 2010 by squeezing some words into this blog. Can't sleep and don't want to sleep, so what the hell.

Correction from my previous post: the title of the entry should have been The Year That Should Not Be, since I threw in the Metallica reference in order to appease the metal readership of this blog, which is basically less than none. Goddamn idiot, I am.

Okay, now onto regular programming.


Throughout the year, I've spent more than half my time sitting in front of the computer and dedicating my life to the cyberworld, especially since I'm currently working in a job that taught me to be passionate about making cold-blooded cash off the Internet. At times, I did enjoy learning new things that helped me rake up revenue for my client sites. Most importantly, this knowledge would soon lead me to make money from enticing advertisers to and marketing my own websites, if ever I would have one. A co-worker told his inspiring story of earning $250/day from his four websites. Whether he earns that exact amount or not, I know for a fact that it is indeed possible to make that much money in a short period of time. And it is something I envision myself doing in the not-too-distant future. As they say, dreams are free.

However, after toiling for more than a year with this allegedly idyllic work situation, I come to a conclusion that I've literally gotten ass-tired from working at home. There's nothing wrong with the actual home-based setup as it actually plays to my advantage, considering the fact that I am taking up my MA classes in the afternoons, which means that I won't have to subject myself to the needless rigors of lining up for public transportation in the Philippines during afternoon rush hours. Still, I just feel the need for a change of environment, work duties, co-workers, bosses, and other external factors that involves earning money, simply because, sometimes in life, you have to press the reset button.

In 2011, I wish for change to take place. Save for my relationships, I just want something fresh to happen, to save me from unnecessary bullshit that somehow kept happening this previous year. I have a vague idea of what I need to do, and it's just a matter of time in order to make it happen. Sometimes, I lose focus and abort my plans in the process, which contributes to a lot of disappointments in life. That shit needs to change, though. Kicking some sense of urgency and purpose into this old dog would be tough, but it's a fundamental change that I truly deserve and must see through.


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