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Showing posts from March, 2011

Maddening March

I don't have basketball fever, not until the NBA Playoffs kick in (Go Magic!), but March is the time of the year when the buck has to stop, everything must go, I have to place my foot down, and every terrible clichés found in the Book of Terrible Clichés. Just as the NCAA Basketball is sure to provide television viewers with sad endings, great upsets, and awesome finishes, March is when I have to rush and submit final papers in school along with my obsessive compulsiveness to work, my stress level is at an all-time high, and, for some strange reason, lots of personal shit gets unfurled under the blanket. Might not make for great television, but the drama and tension-filled days leading up to the deadlines of my respective papers will surely provide action-packed moments until the final buzzer. I'm not the most level-headed person in the planet, but I do try my darnedest to keep my insanity in check. However, with emotions running high this time of the year, as well as the fores...

Catching Up With the Actual Tide

Image from The whole world picked up the news regarding the earthquake and tsunami disasters in Japan this past week. Even I, who was isolated behind the four mighty walls of the academe from reality while sipping coffee and reading Umberto Eco, caught up with the information via text message from girlfriend. Then, during class, after talking about the requirements to be submitted before the end of the month, we cannot help but mull over the horrifying details of the incident: an 8.9 earthquake magnitude, followed by a tsunami waved that reached as high as 24 feet, and around 60 confirmed deaths, with 200 people missing (at that time). Once the class commenced and knowing that there's still time to kill before the color coding ban is lifted, I immediately visited a computer shop in the campus to read more on the Internet about the earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan. Better yet, I viewed the screaming video reports from news sites that cover the events...

Catching Up With The Tide

I feel guilty for not being able to update my blog as I would have wanted to. However, it was necessity that prevented me from making my usual 2-posts-a-week updates of what's down with me. Being stricken by sickness, in addition to the piling tasks of my academic studies, and a healthy dose of laziness that unfortunately kicked in during these past few weeks have stunted my fabulously prolific - albeit subpar, content-wise - blogging. With regard to being sick, it was only a matter of time before my body caught up me. Apparently, charging through life at breakneck speed with a can-do-everything candor and the delusion that I have tiger's blood has left me bedridden for days. It's a tough pill to swallow, having your plans derailed by a measly flu and compromising you from your commitments. With that said, I took a different approach with how I work things out in order to prevent from contracting the shivers. So far, taking it easy on my work while appearing to focus on my...