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Showing posts from May, 2011

Band Matters

For the past five years, I have had the privilege to fulfill a childhood dream of becoming a lead/rhythm guitarist for a heavy metal band. It all started at an unfortunate band practice in 2005, as my guitarist friend and I were looking to form a group covering Iron Maiden and Sepultura classics. The band came full circle when one of the drummers we've jammed with years before brought along his friend who was the vocalist of their previous band. We all gathered and talked about jamming some of their songs until eventually, we shifted from their sludge metal sound to a more thrash, speed metal direction. It was at this point that everything fell into place. We composed a couple of songs (basically aping the twin-guitar melodies and tremolo picking that mid '90s Swedish metal was heralding) and practiced them for a month before getting booked to nearby gigs here and there to fill out the slots. The first gig we played was at Purple Haze, Marikina and we performed at 3:30am in the...

Fashionably Fucked

Slave to the Grindhouse

Enough with the dreariness for now and let me talk about something not depressing and esoteric for once. As I have written a couple of weeks back, I celebrated a milestone when I shifted jobs, from a glorified link monkey to an actual writer/editor. I have nothing bad to say regarding my previous work, as I learned a lot about SEO during my time with the company. However, after a year with the company, I got stuck doing the same thing over and over. My professional and personal growth stopped, so I have to transfer from this sinking ship before I become consumed by the sea of mediocrity. Maybe I'm just not up to snuff with organic link building or SEO in general, although my interest with said industry remains at a high. But I do feel better when I write. There's something peaceful and beautiful in the solitude of writing. It makes me feel in control of everything. My words don't tell me what I did wrong or the mistakes I've made (unless my boss says so). I create my ow...