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Showing posts from March, 2012


For months, I've been viewing movies from yesteryears I've always wanted to see but just didn't had the chance. Below are some of my thoughts about them: I felt like kicking myself in the head for not having seen Pulp Fiction for the past 18 years. A precursor to postmodern cinema, this movie made me appreciate Quentin Tarantino more than ever. Although the Kill Bill movies were solid affairs, Pulp Fiction  towers most of its contemporaries during its 1994 release. Just great storytelling and cinematic style ripe for critical study, by which there already have been essays about . Do yourself a favor and see this film, pronto! I don't understand how The Shawshank Redemption gets the nod as the top-rated movie in the Internet Movie Database . (And yes, I downloaded the film for the same reason). There is a deep and inspired beauty that slowly creeps and hugs you until the climactic end, but as far as style, performance, and direction are concerned, there's a lot mor...

Jockstrap No More

I laugh about the fact that this blog gets hits for the wrong reasons. Not because of the 100% unique and awesome content (which I assure you is not the case) nor the SEO-friendly pages (Blogger is NOT at the very least SEO-friendly). Rather, this blog gets traffic because of a goddamned jockstrap image. As Sweet as Used Jockstrap really has nothing to do with the ball sack supporter. It's just a stupid post about something trivial and forgettable I can't even remember. Anyway, this post has received over a thousand hits which I assumed is caused by the image of a standard stain-colored jockstrap. In comparison, the next highest post I've made has barely reached 50 hits. I have recently removed the jockstrap photo from the page, which would definitely drop down the blog traffic. But at least the data won't be padded by something that has nothing to do with magic and tumbong .


I can't remember wanting to listen to an Anthrax song since I've worn out The Best of the Killer A's during my high school years. That changed when I heard Worship Music. Backtracking a little bit, I've come to enjoy Anthrax's body of work in its entirety despite having two distinct eras dividing their discography - the Belladonna and the Bush eras. Although John Bush is a far more talented vocalist than Joey Belladonna ever will be, '80s 'Thrax always did it for me. The urgency was tangible in the sound, something that the band can't conjure even with Bush around. The precise speed picking and downstroke demon that Scott Ian has been and the underrated skin work of Charlie Benante always clicked when Joey gloriously wailed through the songs. Along the way, however, they lost my interest. They seem to be always a step behind Slayer , Megadeth , and Metallica (in that particular order). Much of it may be caused by the Bush albums, at least for me. Th...