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Showing posts from April, 2012

Superheroes, Remakes, and the Green Goliath

It's been almost a week since I saw The Avengers  (thanks to Mina , my fuzzy co-worker who gave me an extra pair of tickets she won from 7-11). I planned to write about the movie immediately after seeing it, but I decided to wait for the dust to settle and attain a better perspective of the film, which I think I have right now. For those who haven't seen the film, I urge you to give in to your geeky side and see the damn thing. Granted, it's not going to win an Oscar, but I never thought "bad-ass" could actually be reinvented. I wasn't a huge fan of the comic book, but I have always loved the Captain America mythology, sans the patriotism. Therefore, being one of the first people to see the movie come to life brought out the fanboy in me - seeing all the cast members from the different Marvel films throughout the years equally sharing the spotlight was a visual orgasm (no homo). Not to mention, all of the action-packed scenes got me giggling like a Japanese sc...

A Short Career Retrospective as a Writer

Haven't updated this blog for quite some time, and for a good reason. Writing on your personal blog, although it lets you clear out thoughts in your plate, is not really a profitable endeavor. I don't receive money writing about poorly thought-out music and movie reviews, as well as other brainless things on my mind. (I mean, who would?) Which is why I turned the corner by taking a part-time job that pays me to go crazy on the keyboard about various topics. Aside from the extra dough I receive, the purpose of taking a part-time work goes back to being a writer by profession, which happens to be a constant struggle. Opportunities to make more money through writing have increased throughout the years, thanks to the rise of online content solutions. However, for six years, I still don't think we get the credit we deserve for our efforts. Which is why we are forced to go out of our way to find ways of breaking bank and improve our skills to receive an even higher salary. I...