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Showing posts from June, 2012

4 Reasons Why Kimmy Dora and the Temple of Kiyeme Blows

It tried to be funny and scary, but achieved neither laughs nor shrieks. It failed to hide the fact that the film is cashing in to the success of the first film. The jokes felt contrived, forced, and dumbed down. Ryan Bang was in it. Well, that's not really a viable reason. But, ah well. If you think this isn't a credible review of the film (is really isn't, to be honest), let this guy convince you instead.

6 Thoughts on Pacquaio-Bradley Fight

It was the first pay-per-view boxing match I've seen. In true Filipino fashion, one of our neighbors - an Indian, no less - bought and hosted  the PPV in front of his convenient store along the street. Almost 80% of the neighborhood went out of their homes to tune in. Everybody gasped and writhed in agony with every back-and-forth slugfests between  Manny Pacquaio and Timothy Bradley  in every round, only to erupt into cheers later on whenever Manny slips in significant blows during the tussle. For the first time, the street felt like one of those large baranggay halls that host Pacquaio fights for the community to see. It was awesome. I only started watching the match on the sixth round, so I can't really say about what happened before that. But when I was viewing what remained of hte fight, I really felt Manny will be hard-pressed to win because every time when he was about to go into hyperdrive, Bradley matched Pacquaio's offense with a flurry of his own, co...