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Showing posts from August, 2012
PrintRunner Lends a Hand with Its Nonprofit Program (via PrintRunner Blog ) , one of the premier online printing companies, has launched its Nonprofit Program to provide nonprofit organizations with sufficient funding and professional marketing tools using print products available at to advertise their causes. Problems faced by nonprofit organizations Nonprofit…

After The Flood, Comes Two

Two weeks ago, the Philippines was hit by an outpour of monsoon rains that ran for two days , causing flash floods in different parts of the country. Some towns were devastated as the flood level rose to almost six feet, destroying houses and forcing people to  relocate. Most of the flooded areas were in a state of calamity as panic buyers ransacked groceries, in particular eggs, when they had the chance. Although this is no Ondoy (at least not in our area), the unfortunate events left another wound in the spirits of Filipinos who must once again scrubs their homes of the mud - if not the memory of the flood - and mourn the death of loved ones who passed away during the rainy days. And then there's a little wedding that simply could. A college classmate of my girlfriend was set to get married during on August 8. No one can foresee the state of the weather when scheduling for his or her wedding date in advance, but the couple happened to be one of the those whose wedding took ...

First Half Game Summary

2012 is shaping up to be a fine year in comparison to the debacle that was last year, at least judging from the events that transpired from January to July. Below are some of the milestones achieved early this year: Despite more than a year of putting in extra hours with little compensation, I still love my job . There's something therapeutic about sitting in front a computer, writing and publishing business blog posts at breakneck speed, checking out Analytics for traffic and bounce rate (two of my worst online enemies), downloading different plugins for Wordpress, and finding ways to increase transactions. I think it's a win-win situation for the company and me - they get to draw conversions from my blog posts (assuming that they eventually will) and I get to increase my clout in the online world. I don't want to say that I think I'll be staying at this company indefinitely, but I think I'll be staying at this company indefinitely. I've finished recording my ...