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Showing posts from December, 2013

The Wedding

After exhausting months of preparation and headaches to endure that started at the beginning of the year, I finally got married on November 28, 2013 to the only woman I've shared my life with and will share for all eternity. November 27 There's a misconception that weddings are women's domain. Much of the event will depend on what the bride wants. While I don't completely disprove of this idea, it is not entirely true, either. Wedding is just as important for grooms to put their imprint on the most special day of their lives. A wedding can be a reflection of your own life captured in a nutshell with your family and friends as witnesses. It is a celebration of your own blood and tears spent to not just build and develop a relationship into something more meaningful, but to also show the person you have become through the years with the help of the people around you who have made everything possible. The choices made for the wedding, from the suppliers down to the themes ...