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Showing posts from April, 2014

The Amazing Spiderman 2: Crap Review

This is arguably the best Spiderman film. Much better than the 2012 film that jumpstarted the franchise and stands toe to toe with Sam Raimi's Spiderman 2, in my opinion. But, while I believe that the Jesus Christ allegory in Spiderman 2 is the franchise's best moment, TAS2 is stronger from top to bottom. Not to say that this is a cinematic masterpiece, but the film accurately captured the Spiderman lore in all its awkward and beautiful teenage glory. Much of the film spent on Peter's relationship with Gwen Stacy - the pains, cheesiness, and the confused transition to adulthood. It is not for everyone, but it is what makes Spiderman the flawed hero that he is. Sally Fields was a delight. Her effort to make ends meet and her heartfelt moment with Peter emphasized on the dynamics between two broken people struggling to make ends meet. More Sally Fields on the third installment, please. Dubstep was played when Electro was on the screen. You'd think electronica would be pla...

PLDT MyBro: Customer Disservice

I have been a PLDT MyBro subscriber for the past four months. I signed up for their 499 promo last December. Prior to subscribing, I never read any reviews about their service. To be fair, I have been a Smart canopy subscriber at our old house since 2007 and never had any problems with it up until now. Since PLDT and Smart have merged, I expected the same thing with MyBro. Big mistake. Days after signing up for MyBro, I started experiencing intermittent internet connection. I called their customer support hotline and did all the possible troubleshooting to regain connection. Checked internet speed, plugged and unplugged the device, transferred location of the device outside for better connection. All those did not work. There were times that I had connection but it only lasted around five minutes in a day throughout December. By January, there was complete network error. Can't connect using the browser. I called their customer service multiple times, each call clocking in around 30...