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Showing posts from June, 2014

If You're a Nice Guy, Please Read This.

It's fine. I know what you're thinking. Nice guys finish last. Nice guys get trampled on, cheated, and end up getting the short end of the stick. It's alright. It's difficult to always feel these things and you could easily say that you want to just unleash the fury and be an asshole for once. But the funny thing is, you can't. Despite your attempts to not be nice, you end up doing nice anyway. Why? Because being nice is a physiological desire to you. Being nice is not a switch that you can turn on or off in an instant. It is part of who you are. To not be nice is to be you. And you know you can't be someone you're not. Being nice can be a burden. You end up making a decision because it's a nice decision, right or wrong be damned. You become afraid of hurting other's feeling because that's not nice. So you go out of your way to do something to make others feel better. You may compromise yourself in the process, but you assure yourself, "Well...