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Showing posts from November, 2014

Guitar Hero My Ass...

You know what depresses me?  Guitar Hero . Sure, it may be fun to play and it sure boasts a  killer  soundtrack (”Raining Blood” by Slayer!? “Through The Fires And Flame” by Dragonforce!?! Kill me now!), but the fact that the game replaces the six-stringed instrument with five buttons on its neck and installs a switch near the bridge that goes up and down - assuming the movement of string picking - had me shaking my head in disbelief. Let me make things straight with fans of Guitar Hero and the Bemani series from Konami. As mentioned, I can imagine the game being fun to play because players are able to imitate music by different recording artists and make it their own (well, somewhat) by playing with it using the guitar tailor-made for the game. Plus, practicing for Guitar Hero is less rigorous compared to practicing with a guitar, which simply means that Guitar Hero won’t take much of your precious time burning a hole through walls using your staring powers and fleeting ...

The Royal Anderson

The Darjeeling Limited was released on selected cinemas this past week in the US, and despite its lukewarm reception and box-office sales, even not having seen a trailer of the film or having heard Hotel Chevalier just a couple of days ago (more on this later), I can only assume that this film kicks ass. Not in a Tony Montano-kind of way, but the kind that would make Mahatma Gandhi wet himself. There, I said it. For those who’s still wondering why I, a lowly and fashionably-bored bloke that I am, would even prematurely surmise the excellence of this film, I have two words for you: Wes Anderson . If there’s anybody who could pull off films with so much conviction and passion despite its glaring awkwardness and banality, please let me know and send me a copy of their film (please, by all means necessary), because Anderson puts his cinematic knowledge into good use, utilizing the plethora of film methods to convey a sense of enlightenment to its characters that permeates to...